Monday 21 April 2008


Lebanon is the dream country. Its lies on the shores of the Mediterranean and close to Africa, Asia, and Europe. It’s has three official languages Arabic, English and French. The Bible mentioned it 76 times and described as a “The land of milk and honey”. The capital city, Beirut is nicknamed “Paris of the East “. This country has a lot of beautiful thing and more activities can be done, the tourists can go to skiing on the snow in the winter. In the summer they enjoy in beach and nightclubs.

Lebanon was almost destroyed by the wars since of the independence from France in 1943. The Christians become the leaders in the country but the Muslims had little authority so there was unfair distributing the rights. In 1948, Israel came to the Middle East, especially to Palestine. Israel forced out 100,000 Muslims from Palestine to Lebanon. In 1975 the war started to get boil over. A radical Christian group attacked a bus full of Palestinians, so revenge killings followed. Syrian sent 20,000 soldier under Christian led government, it caused 2000 Palestinians to be killed. On one occasion, all the problems controlled by unknown side because the war went to different way. The war start between christen against Christian and Muslims against Muslims. For 7 years the country become as a ghost.

Nowadays the people live together with no really problems. The economy has begun to recover, rebuilding the towers and houses. Lebanon now has the third place of having cars and phones. The problem is almost 300000 young people left the country to find good jobs with higher salaries.

"Eye on Lebanon." Globale Eye.25 Spring 2006. Royal Geograghic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .

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