Monday 26 May 2008

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon footprint is defined as a measure of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the lift stage of a product. I calculated my "carbon footprint" by using and I got 3.58 which mean that I got an average which is lower than the UK average, and the survey goes like this: 20% for food, 22% for travel, 27% for home and 28% for stuff. Now I'm going to mention some of my carbon footprint problems and offer some solutions.

First, one of mine is that I use my car many times during a day. Even it is small and it does not pollute as much as most cars, this still contributes to atmospheric pollution.

Furthermore, I always buy many household items like; mobile phones, mp3 players, TVs and many others. That means wasting a lot of materials and then maybe throwing them away. As a result, that garbage is burned which badly effects the environment
Now let's turn to solutions. For the first problem, maybe I could reduce the hours I use the car by planning exactly where I have to go. I could also go to college with my brother because one car is better than two cars.
Second, I have to reduce buying household items. For example, I usually buy a new mobile phone every year, so I could make it every two years instead of one year. In summary, these are some of my carbon footprint problems and the solutions offered are the best ways to reduce the problems in my opinion. In fact, we know that as the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise so dose atmospheric temperature, which we name it global warming, and because of that carbon footprint created to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy, food, Technology items and so on.


mohamed said...

Nice topic Hasan,
Thank you

hasan said...

You welcome bro.