Monday 26 May 2008

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon footprint is defined as a measure of the exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the lift stage of a product. I calculated my "carbon footprint" by using and I got 3.58 which mean that I got an average which is lower than the UK average, and the survey goes like this: 20% for food, 22% for travel, 27% for home and 28% for stuff. Now I'm going to mention some of my carbon footprint problems and offer some solutions.

First, one of mine is that I use my car many times during a day. Even it is small and it does not pollute as much as most cars, this still contributes to atmospheric pollution.

Furthermore, I always buy many household items like; mobile phones, mp3 players, TVs and many others. That means wasting a lot of materials and then maybe throwing them away. As a result, that garbage is burned which badly effects the environment
Now let's turn to solutions. For the first problem, maybe I could reduce the hours I use the car by planning exactly where I have to go. I could also go to college with my brother because one car is better than two cars.
Second, I have to reduce buying household items. For example, I usually buy a new mobile phone every year, so I could make it every two years instead of one year. In summary, these are some of my carbon footprint problems and the solutions offered are the best ways to reduce the problems in my opinion. In fact, we know that as the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rise so dose atmospheric temperature, which we name it global warming, and because of that carbon footprint created to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy, food, Technology items and so on.

Sunday 25 May 2008

Cool City

There are some problems found since the start of the industrial revolution such as raises population, increasing energy consumption and increase the amount of carbon dioxide. Really it’s difficult to solve the problems specially if there is on choice, traveling to another earth. Last 30 years in Japan GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has gone up 70% while energy efficiency has increased 37% and oil consumption has 8 %. The 90% of carbon dioxide emitted into the air come from building and transportation. Cool city is a model city. The city will be built by a Japanese company (SDCJ). There are three types of transportation will be used in the cool city: Monorail station, Light rail transit and water transportation. Also It has some various like business, residence and culture. They used water, trees and roof membrane to reduce the heat. There are two types of buildings which expected CO2 reductions like commercial building 50 % and residence building 30 %. The overall percentage of reduction of CO2 emissions claimed in the video is 60 %.

Monday 19 May 2008

Saturday 10 May 2008

Blog Project- Global Warming – An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore is 45th vice president of the United States, serving from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. He is displaying and doing conferences for global warming. He is convincing people of the hazard of the high temperature coming from of the pollution. Also he describes the changes in climate and how it’s effecting on the people and the animals. He believes global climate change will increase if the amount of human-generated greenhouse gases are not clarity reduced in the very near future. Al Gore discusses the risk of the falling of a major ice sheet in Greenland or West Antarctica, it will increasing the sea level around 6m which damage flooding coastal areas. He also talked about the annual temperature and CO2 levels for the past 600000 years Antarctic ice core samples. Hurricane Katrina is the famous disaster happened and it’s destroyed almost a million homes in coastal Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida. Al Gore notes that there are still chances to save the world if we do an appropriate action. The authority’s people must give an order to industries to reduce the carbon dioxide. And growing more plants or trees can help.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Conflict Diamonds

To view my Power Point on conflict diamonds
* First click the link below
* Next, on the new page click Download File

It may take a few seconds for the page to set itself up.

Download conflictdiamonds.ppt

Sunday 4 May 2008

Opinion for vice president Al gore

An Inconvenient Truth movie has been created by former vice president Al gore and it’s talked about the global warming. According to Al Gore's new film "An Inconvenient Truth,” melting ice sheets, huge increases in sea levels, more and stronger hurricanes, and tropical disease, among other disasters will not be solved unless we change the way we live now. He attracts me when he said that the carbon dioxide is coming from our cars but still we are using them frequently. I agree with all what he said about the effects on our planet. The music presentation and the picture was great and in a appropriate place. On the scale from 1 to 10 I will give him 10 and he deserves more than that. He was talking about the reasons of the global warming in the same time he supported his perspective by a lot of evidences.

Monday 21 April 2008


Lebanon is the dream country. Its lies on the shores of the Mediterranean and close to Africa, Asia, and Europe. It’s has three official languages Arabic, English and French. The Bible mentioned it 76 times and described as a “The land of milk and honey”. The capital city, Beirut is nicknamed “Paris of the East “. This country has a lot of beautiful thing and more activities can be done, the tourists can go to skiing on the snow in the winter. In the summer they enjoy in beach and nightclubs.

Lebanon was almost destroyed by the wars since of the independence from France in 1943. The Christians become the leaders in the country but the Muslims had little authority so there was unfair distributing the rights. In 1948, Israel came to the Middle East, especially to Palestine. Israel forced out 100,000 Muslims from Palestine to Lebanon. In 1975 the war started to get boil over. A radical Christian group attacked a bus full of Palestinians, so revenge killings followed. Syrian sent 20,000 soldier under Christian led government, it caused 2000 Palestinians to be killed. On one occasion, all the problems controlled by unknown side because the war went to different way. The war start between christen against Christian and Muslims against Muslims. For 7 years the country become as a ghost.

Nowadays the people live together with no really problems. The economy has begun to recover, rebuilding the towers and houses. Lebanon now has the third place of having cars and phones. The problem is almost 300000 young people left the country to find good jobs with higher salaries.

"Eye on Lebanon." Globale Eye.25 Spring 2006. Royal Geograghic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .